Ν. Κollia1, Μ. Giannakoulia1, C. Papageorgiou2, D.Β. Panagiotakos1
- Department of Science of Dietetics and Nutrition, School of Health Science and Education, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece,
- Department of Psychiatry School of Medicine, University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Pages: 19-25
The attribution of causal relationships in research in general, and particularly in biomedical research, and the investigation of the mechanisms involved, remain issues of major importance; their clarification al-lows for the design of appropriate interventions for a positive outcome. In this effort, the concepts of the effect modifier, the mediator as well as the confounding factor have a distinct role. The present work is an attempt to distinguish between the aforementioned concepts and present the appropriate statistical techniques in order to evaluate them. Hellenic J Nutr Diet 2018, 5(1):19-25
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