
All articles: Καρδιαγγειακά νοσήματα

Dietary habits, practice and the elderly’s health in Greece

Over the last years population’s life expectancy follows a rapid rise at a global level, while scientific evidence presented appears to be reverse to unhealthier dietary habits.

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Correlation of the adherence to the Mediterranean diet with health and disease

During the last decade, scientific interest has notably focused on the impact of the Mediterranean diet on health and disease.

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Mediterranean diet, ω-3 fatty acids and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease

Aim: Primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease constitute a high priority field in nutrition research.

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Mediterranean diet in a new perspective: A Systematic review for its benefits regarding mortality and cardiovascular disease and potential protective mechanisms

In the present review the basic characteristics of the Mediterranean diet (MD) as well as its protective actions with an emphasis on cardiovascular disease will be presented. Moreover, the suggested mechanisms through which MD exerts its bioprotective effects will be discussed.

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