
All articles: Aikaterini Kanellopoulou

Knowledge and perceptions of children and adolescents about cardiovascular risk factors and the role of the family

The aim of this study was to highlight the knowledge and perceptions from the childhood and the adolescence (4-18 years) that enhance risk factors and lead to the occurrence of the cardiovascular disease and the role of family in these.

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Sleep duration and childhood obesity. An association with lifestyle habits

Over the last decades, childhood obesity has been a crucial public health threat worldwide. In the meantime, insufficient sleep has become commonplace among children. A large body of research indicates that sleep duration is linked to children’s weight status. Thus, the aim of the present work was to review the current evidence regarding the potential underlying mechanisms (i.e. biological and behavioural) involved in the association between sleep duration and childhood obesity.

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Carbohydrate intake, family environment and childhood obesity

Obesity is a disease that predisposes to other chronic non-communicable diseases and has reached alarming epidemic rates in recent decades, posing a threat to public health. In this context, many eating habits and lifestyle behaviors are evaluated for their association with obesity. This review aims to investigate the relationship between carbohydrate consumption and body weight, in the light of family environment, that influence children's dietary preferences.

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